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八悦分享(八):非对称信贷违约风险下供应链融资模式选择(四) 悦分应链传播快乐,增长见闻










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the editor brings you a doctoral dissertation intensive reading"Supply Chain Financing Model Selection and Incentive Mechanism Design under Asymmetric Credit Default Risk Information" (4)

I will introduce you to:The second chapter: the design of cash-credit payment scheme under asymmetric default risk information.It will take you about ten minutes.

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The research objectives of this chapter include integrating operational and financing decisions, and providing insights into the impact of asymmetric information on the design and mode selection of cash-to-credit payment schemes. This chapter complements existing literature research in the following four areas.

First, this chapter studies the problem of supplier cash-credit payment scheme design under asymmetric credit information. As far as the existing literature is known, asymmetric credit information is rarely studied in the literature, although it exists widely in the practice of supply chain commercial trade.

Secondly, this chapter analyzes the characteristics of cash-credit payment scheme formulation under each transaction mode, and discusses how suppliers choose specific modes.

Thirdly, this chapter finds that compared with the baseline model under complete information, the credit period and product order consumption quantity of high-credit customers are limited, while the credit period and product order consumption quantity of low-credit customers remain unchanged in the screening model, and in the review model. In the insurance mode, it is promoted, and in the insurance mode, the inhibition is reduced.

Finally, this chapter finds that if the overall credit status of the consumer market is relatively poor, suppliers tend to use only the screening model. In addition, based on the trade-off relationship between the credit incentive effect and the default risk gap effect, suppliers have more leeway to decide whether to transfer risks by adopting the insurance mode or take the risk by adopting the screening mode and the review mode.







The article considers a direct selling supply chain consisting of a supplier and a customer. The supplier designs and manufactures a batch of products and sells them to the customer. Due to the financial constraints, it is usually difficult for the customer to pay the full purchase cost at one time. In order to improve customer consumption, supply Merchants typically offer cash-to-credit payment options to customers.

The sequence of events develops as follows: (1) At the beginning of the period, the customer's credit level information is privately owned and cannot be known by the supplier; (2) Then, the supplier selects a credit model and offers the customer a cash-credit payment contract; (3) ) The customer accepts or refuses to pay the contract after taking into account its own credit type. If rejected, the transaction ends; otherwise, q(Ti) quantity of goods will be ordered; (4) The supplier begins to produce the product and deliver the goods at unit cost c to the customer; (5) the supplier receives the cash advance Mi immediately after the product is delivered to the customer; (6) the customer completes the final credit payment after T period at the wholesale price w per unit.content_copyshare









Proposition 2.1 The optimal credit period, advance payment and product consumption quantity of each credit customer under the benchmark model. Proposition 2.1 gives the optimal decision of the supplier. Since the utility of the customer is only its retained revenue under complete information, the revenue generated by the supply chain will be obtained by the supplier. At this time, regardless of the customer's credit type, the supply All merchants will provide a certain credit period, namely TBi?>0, to encourage customers to consume more.

On the one hand, consider the influence of parameters from the perspective of incentives. Given αc, Corollary 2.2 means that the larger αs, the smaller the TBH?, that is, the supplier with higher discount rate will set a shorter credit repayment period. This is because the discount rate The difference in the present rate α represents the difference in the time value of funds. A higher α means that the supplier has a larger discount of funds, which will be more concerned by the supplier than the sales incentive effect. In order to reduce the discount loss, the supplier will shorten the credit period . However, when the default rate θH increases, the actual credit situation of customers will get better and worse, so the supplier will extend the credit period TBH? to improve sales and cash advances. In addition, for the credit sales sensitivity coefficient b, if relaxing the credit period can effectively stimulate credit sales, the supplier will extend the credit period TbH? to increase profits.

On the other hand, the influence of parameters is considered from an operational point of view. When the unit wholesale price w increases relative to the cash advance MBH*, the supplier will pay more attention to the credit payment part, so the supplier will reduce the credit period TBH* to reduce the default risk. In addition, for the unit production cost c, a higher c prompts the supplier to shorten the credit period to ensure that the cost is recovered as soon as possible in the shortest possible time, so the supplier sets the credit period TBH? as short as possible. However, when the customer's valuation v of the utility of the product increases, the supplier can always increase the cash advance MBH? to withdraw the customer's increased utility, so the supplier is more willing to extend the credit period TBH? to improve its profit.








This section analyzes from three aspects: credit financing under screening mode, credit financing under review mode, and credit financing under insurance mode. This section focuses on the impact of the three credit models on the cash-credit payment scheme under asymmetric credit information and how suppliers use different models to design optimal credit periods and product consumption quantities. Specifically, the screening mode allows suppliers to directly provide a contract menu to identify the customer's credit type, which has no additional cost, but is often accompanied by adverse selection and cannot achieve efficient configuration. In contrast, censorship mode can identify and evaluate customers' private information, but requires evaluation costs, and the accuracy of evaluation will essentially affect the final benefit. Finally, the insurance model is widely used to prevent the risk of credit default by signing contracts with insurance companies for a certain premium. Among the three models, the screening model and the review model belong to the risk-taking model, which means that the enterprise taking credit risk will use its internal resources to compensate for the loss. However, the insurance model is a risk transfer model, which requires a certain insurance premium to avoid default risk. Therefore, in order to deal with the asymmetric information related to the customer's credit level, but also to weigh the risks and benefits, the supplier needs to choose one of the above three modes to maximize its expected profit.




This section mainly focuses on the characteristics of suppliers dealing with default risk in each mode when faced with asymmetric information, including: comparison of optimal credit period, comparison of optimal consumption, and comparison of optimal cash advance. In order to make the discussion more meaningful, we focus on the situation where the supplier's optimal decision is positive in each mode.







This chapter aims to explore how suppliers in the supply chain use cash-credit payment schemes to incentivize customer consumption behavior. However, while credit payment incentivizes customers to consume products, it also brings opportunity cost and credit default risk. By building a principal-agent model, customers know exactly their credit types, while suppliers only pay for each type of customer credit. Type has a probability estimate, and this chapter explores the impact of information asymmetry on credit terms and consumption decisions in supplier-customer chains.

In addition, this chapter discusses three common credit default management models: screening model, review model and insurance model. Among them, the first two modes belong to the risk-taking strategy, and the last one belongs to the risk transfer strategy. For each mode, it studies how suppliers design the optimal credit period and consumption decision, and determines the circumstances under which the supplier chooses the corresponding optimal mode.

Finally, the chapter presents several managerial findings, such as the limited credit period and product consumption of high-credit customers. In addition, when the market credit situation is poor, the supplier will only use the screening mode to control the default risk. However, as market credit conditions improve, due to the highly uncertain threat of credit default and inefficient screening models, suppliers will adopt different models in different regions considering the balance of risks and benefits, making decision-making more strategic .As the market credit conditions continue to improve, since the market is almost entirely composed of high-credit customers, in order to motivate consumers to consume the product and maximize their own profits, suppliers are willing to adopt a screening model or review based on the differential effect of default risk model. Finally, the close relationship between market credit status, credit incentive effect and default risk differential effect is the main factor that prompts suppliers to judge and choose appropriate models to reduce default losses. For future research expansion, there are many directions to enrich the model proposed in this chapter. One possible extension direction is to integrate customer preferences into operational decisions, because for a given product, different customers have their own value assessments, which in turn lead to different credit financing decisions. Another extension direction is to combine signal games.






That's all for today's sharing. If you have a unique idea for today's article, feel free to leave a message and let's meet tomorrow. I wish you have a happy day!


参考文献:王凯. 非对称信贷违约风险信息下供应链融资模式选择与激励机制设计 [D]. 天津: 天津大学. 2020[2022-8-28].

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